What is NGMI and WAGMI? (NFT Terminology)

NGMI and WAGMI are used often withinside the crypto and NFT world. Learn what they suggest and a way to use them.

What is NGMI and WAGMI? (NFT Terminology)


  • NGMI stands for “Not Going to Make It”.
  • NGMI approach you'll now no longer achieve success because of a awful selection or bad judgement.
  • For example, if a person sells an NFT at a loss whilst others consider withinside the project`s long-time period success, the vendor can be judged as NGMI.
  • WAGMI stands for “We`re All Going to Make It”.
  • WAGMI approach that the group (or the NFT network in general) can be a success.
  • WAGMI is regularly expressed in response to properly information or after taking moves which are commonly believed to cause a success outcomes.
  • Both NGMI and WAGMI are used withinside the crypto buying and selling world, however are used extra often withinside the NFT world, in particular on NFT Twitter and in NFT associated Discord groups.


What NGMI Stand For?

NGMI stands for " Not Going to Make It ".

What Does NGMI Mean?

If a individual (or entity) is categorized as NGMI, it manner that the group (the in-group) believes that the individual has taken an action, made a bad choice, or holds an opinion that isn't according with evaluations of the in-group .

The action, choice or opinion, withinside the eyes of these judging, will cause bad effects and, hence, NGMI is a prediction of destiny failure (or loss of success), typically in a monetary sense.

NGMI has a completely terrible connotation and is largely equal to calling a person a loser (or as a minimum a destiny loser).

How to use NGMI

NGMI may be utilized in a self-deprecating manner after making, in hindsight, a bad selection or taking a awful action.

But greater frequently than now no longer, you`ll see individuals of an in-organization calling individuals of an out-organization (consisting of individuals who do now no longer consider withinside the destiny of NFTs) with the label NGMI.

The label also can enlarge to individuals or holders of NFTs in a set who, for example, rate their NFTs beneath the ground rate (beneath the bottom priced NFT in a set); continuously alternate their promoting rate; or mindlessly turn NFTs with out a good deal idea to earnings and losses.

However, you should be careful in your use of NGMI as it has a strongly negative meaning.  Labeling someone in your group with NGMI could be taken as fighting words.

Many human beings are handling their very own circumstances.  Life conditions can alternate rapidly, so human beings have their very own motives for taking the movements that they take.

Some are NGMI, however a few are simply handling what lifestyles is throwing at them.

Examples of NGMI in Context

The first instance of NGMI comes from JRNY Crypto who's a crypto and NFT influencer with a famous Youtube channel.

In his tweet below, JRNY mentions the "tulip mania", which changed into a speculative mania for tulip bulbs all through the 1600`s withinside the Dutch Republic.  During this period, tulip costs reached ridiculously excessive costs, however changed into quickly accompanied via way of means of an epic crash.

This tulip mania is frequently referred to via way of means of mainstream pundits who accept as true with that crypto and NFT costs are primarily based totally on natural hypothesis and haven't any actual value.

In the opinion of JRNY, such pundits are NGMI.


What does WAGMI Stand for?

WAGMI stands for We’re All Going to Make It .

What does WAGMI mean?

WAGMI method that an motion has been taken, a choice made, or information introduced such that it's far to the destiny benefit, now no longer best to an individual, however to the in-institution as a whole.

WAGMI is each an expression of camaraderie and a prediction of destiny success.

WAGMI has a totally superb connotation and has the sensation of “we`re on this together”, mainly while robust conviction is wanted withinside the face of, what others may consider, excessive hazard or contrarian moves.

Additional expressions with similar meanings include:

  • WGMI: stands for "We're Going to Make It"
  • GMI : stands for " Going to Make It "
  • YGMI : stands for " You're Going to Make It "

How to use WAGMI

WAGMI method that an motion has been taken, a choice made, or information introduced such that it's far to the destiny benefit, now no longer best to an individual, however to the in-institution as a whole.

WAGMI is each an expression of camaraderie and a prediction of destiny success.

WAGMI has a totally superb connotation and has the sensation of “we`re on this together”, mainly while robust conviction is wanted withinside the face of, what others may consider, excessive hazard or contrarian moves.

Examples of WAGMI in Context

The starting of 2021 commenced out with plenty of ridicule closer to NFTs from the conventional crypto world.

The ridicule regularly got here withinside the shape of the "proper, click on store" grievance, which essentially expressed the perception that NFTs have been nugatory considering the fact that anybody can simply store the NFT photo to their computer (via way of means of proper clicking at the imaging and saving it to their computer).

As the 12 months wore on, and expenses for plenty NFT initiatives increased, that standard grievance died down (despite the fact that continues to be pretty prevalent).

As the recognition of NFTs increased, specially withinside the summer time season of 2021, many human beings withinside the NFT area co-opted the quote:

"First they forget about you, then they snicker at you, then they combat you, then you definitely win" (that is quote this is regularly wrongly attributed to Mahatma Gandhi).

The quote expressed a type of vindication for early believers of NFTs.

PIXELOR, an NFT artist, makes use of this quote (with a twist) in his tweet below - finishing it with the hashtag - "WAGMI".