How to create an NFT — and why you might not do it.

We'll go over the steps to create an NFT with two well-known marketplaces However, before getting to the point, we'll review the fundamentals of what is an NFT is and the choices you'll need to make prior to deciding whether or not to sell one. (If you're up to the task, go through Step 3 to begin the process of creating the token.)

How to create an NFT — and why you might not do it.

NFTs have become a popular phenomenon through 2021, continuously getting attention as celebrities play in the field and the saga of, scams and legal disputes occur. With some authors earning millions from NFTs but it's only natural to be interested in trying your hand in the field or experiment with the technology to gain a better understanding of the technology.


It's not a matter of judgement if you've stumbled upon this site not knowing what an NFT is. Perhaps someone told you, "Hey, you should make that photo with your cat to be one of the NFT." However, before you begin the process of making and selling an NFT it's best to know the process you're taking.

There's an complete explanation on NFTs and the culture surrounding them as well as an explanation of Blockchain technology NFTs employ. It is not necessary to read each word However, the rest of this article will include reference to other things such as Ethereum and Proof of Work, as well as other similar concepts that you'll gain an understanding of studying our explanations.

This is a brief TL;DR however. NFTs, also known as non-fungible tokens are digital tokens that are stored in the blockchain. Contrary to cryptocurrency, where each coin is exactly the same (there's there's no need to choose one specific Bitcoin against another) Each NFT is distinct and may be offered for sale as a method to prove ownership over a kind or digital data.

In the majority of cases those files aren't stored on the blockchain. Instead, a link to the document is kept in the blockchain, along with a token which acts in proving ownership of the information that that link is pointing to. There's no requirement that more than two NFTs aren't possible with the same data.there are NFTs with editions. They're kind of similar to trading cards. For instance the same NFT may be rare due to the fact that it only has 10 copies, or widespread because thousands of the identical NFT are "minted," or written to the blockchain. There's nothing stopping anyone from stealing the file you've used to create your NFT and create their own NFT using the file (though the blockchain entries will indicate that it originated from the account of the person who created it, not yours).

You are technically able to offer any file you want to as an NFT. However, should you choose to utilize the minting tools of a marketplace's simple however, you'll be restricted to the formats that they accept. We'll talk about the subject in the future, but bear in mind that the first NFT is likely to be an image, video or audio file of some kind. If you're not certain the kind of thing you'd like to sell as an NFT at this point, these kinds of restrictions can help you limit your options. That being said...

STEP 2: CONFIRM you actually want to sell an NFT

If you have a general idea of wanting to create an NFT since everyone seems to be doing it there are some factors you might want to consider. One of them is transaction costs. The platforms we'll be discussing today will allow the creation of NFTs for no cost, selling them may be a different story.

The majority of NFTs are offered via Ethereum. Ethereum blockchain (we'll look at those which aren't in the following section) each operation on Ethereum blockchains incurs fees which are paid to miners. These charges are referred to as "gas," and the amount of gas needed to conduct an exchange (and the amount that transaction costs) can be very different. Nearly everything you perform using the Blockchain, from creating an NFT to transfer it to another party to bidding to buy one costs the gas (though there are a few methods to avoid this when creating NFTs and we'll discuss in a second).

It's important to note that paying for gas doesn't 100% assure that the transfer will happen . It is possible to pay more money to increase your probability, but it's not a guarantee. To clarify, the majority of deals can be likely to be successful. If something does happen and your transaction doesn't get completed and you don't get it completed, you aren't entitled to the gas costs you have paid back.

There's also the environmental aspect of NFTs. The most well-known (and easy to use) NFT marketplaces mostly run on the Ethereum blockchain, which employs an extremely energy-intensive "proof of works" system . There is some debate about whether the individual sale of NFTs affects the energy usage for the cryptocurrency If the NFTs you sell are built on Ethereum it is using the system with significant carbon footprint.

There are some blockchains that utilize alternative systems that don't require more energy. Ethereum is planning to shift to more efficient system of proof of stake in the near future. However, this isn't currently the case and is among the reasons why people could be annoyed when other companies choose to offer NFTs.


There are numerous platforms that allow selling NFTs over a broad range of blockchains. It's difficult for any one guide to cover all of them and even identify which is the most suitable one for your particular project. We'll cover two of the most well-known platforms in this guide, however, be aware that there are other options when none of the platforms meet your needs. to accomplish, such as AtomicHub which utilizes the Wax blockchain as well as Solsea, which is based on the Solsea, which is based on the Solana blockchain. Solsea.

It's worth noting that this guide will explain how to handle things in the fundamental way. In spite of NFT markets there are a lot of rabbit holes that you could explore that aren't discussed within this article (things such as selling an NFT that was created using OpenSea in Rarible or programmatically creating collections such as Bored Apes, and so on). It's important to note that this guide isn't the complete guide on selling NFTs It's just helping you get started.

The two platforms OpenSea and Rarible permit you to create NFTs using Ethereum without any cost, due to what they refer to as "lazy minting" systems. Lazy minting allows you to make an NFT and then put it up for sale, without being transferred into the Blockchain, thereby freeing you from any costs. If someone does purchase it, the cost of the writing of the NFT onto the blockchain would be included together with the costs to transfer the money into the purchaser. This will help you avoid having to spend anywhere from $10 to 30 dollars (or even more!) to create an NFT which no one will end with purchasing.

There could be some pitfallsfor instance, with OpenSea the first time you list your Ethereum NFT to sell will require you to create your account this could be a costly transaction (during the testing phase, I observed prices of $300-$400 range). This is a once-off fee and, after you've paid you'll be allowed to mint NFTs in a lazy fashion without paying anything.

With Rarible I didn't need to pay this kind of cost during my tests. But, removing the NFT from sale could cost you a fee (I noticed prices of $20-$30). Each of Rarible as well as OpenSea will pay an 2.5 percent commission from all transactions you make. For example, If they sell your NFT at 0.025 USD, you'll get 0.024375 in ETH.

There are other options than the Ethereum blockchain. Rarible allows you to sell NFTs on the Blockchain called Flow (the similar one utilized in NBA Top Shot) if you sign up by using the Blocto wallet as well as OpenSea will allow you to sell NFTs using its Polygon blockchain . Both have less fees than the ones that you pay using those on the Ethereum blockchain, and if there are any fees are involved which is why we'll at a minimum discuss the use of the two options.

You might have realized If there were no disadvantages or risks for these no-cost blockchains, everybody would use these. As of this writing the decision to use Flow on Rarible can limit the number of NFTs you can purchase to a single edition (one of them) however, you will not be allowed to sell them through an auction. In addition, if you're using non-Ethereum blockchains such as Flow or Polygon users aren't able to utilize Ethereum to buy your NFTs (at at the very least in the absence of additional steps that can be costly). Both platforms allow customers transfer funds into their wallets for purchase, the requirement to convert or purchase another cryptocurrency to acquire your NFT might turn many collectors off.

(Note Note: although Polygon allows you to utilize Ethereum but it's actually the Polygon alternative to Ethereum. You can transfer Ethereum from the main blockchain to Polygon and then transfer it back, however, doing this will result in gas costs.)

Do I have to use A MARKETPLACE WEBSITE to create an NFT?

Technically, no. You could build the smart contract of your choice and then deploy it to the blockchain you want to use and then issue your own tokens by using it. It's a bit of a leap to the deep end it's likely not the way you'll take unless you're a tech expert. The majority of people would prefer to make use of some of the options mentioned in the previous paragraphs.


The wallets you use are the ones used to store your cryptocurrency and the NFTs you'll will end up buying or minting. Coinbase offers a thorough explanation of how wallets function and the various options offered, however for those who are just beginning with a wallet, there's only one major aspect you should be concerned about: ensuring that you use an account that is compatible with the cryptocurrency that you're using.

MetaMask's digital wallet is one of the wallets utilized by Ethereum-based programs such as OpenSea, Foundation, and others . It's available in an Chrome or Mozilla extension or an iPhone or Android application. Coinbase has its own wallet which is available to add an extension application that is accepted by all platforms. It's worth looking into Coinbase's wallet if you're looking to get into crypto in a more general way, since it can be used with blockchains that aren't based on Ethereum and Bitcoin, such as Bitcoin.

MetaMask as well as Coinbase's set-up process is similar. After you've got the extension for your browser or application installed (MetaMask is downloaded here, Coinbase Wallet here, Coinbase Wallet here) Click or press on the "Create new account" button. Coinbase will ask for an account name and Coinbase will also ask you to provide a password that you'll want to sure is safe (preferably by creating it using and keeping it using a password manager).

In addition each of MetaMask and Coinbase provide you with what's called a "seed phrase" which is comprised of 12 random words. It's crucially important to not lose this information, since it can be used to recover your account should you, for example, want to remove the app or you need to setup your account on a new device. It's recommended to save it as a backup and keep it in a secure storage device, such as an actual secure or password management system (or either). MetaMask will prompt for you to repeat that phrase and Coinbase Wallet will ask you whether you'd like to save an encrypted copy in the cloud, when you configure it through the app. If you're creating Coinbase up using the extension, or you decide to back up your data manually in lieu of saving it on the cloud follow exactly the same as MetaMask in which you'll have to manually enter the phrase.

If you have lost your password and/or security word and you lose it, you'll be out of luck for the two wallets MetaMask as well as Coinbase Wallet -- neither firm can assist you. This means that you'll be denied access to all NFTs or cryptos that are stored in the wallet along with the accounts you've set up with it. It's important to make sure you've kept your password and secret words secure .

In the end, you'll have access to your bank account, which will not have any money there yet!


Once you've got your wallet up and running it's time to connect it to the NFT marketplace you're thinking of using. OpenSea and Rarible allow this to be done easily by clicking the Create button on the upper left hand corner will prompt the user to join your account. Then, you'll be presented with the list of wallets that are compatible which will require you to complete the process of connecting.

If you've got Metamask as well as Coinbase's Extension it will display an alert asking you if you'd like to link to your wallet. This can be accomplished with just only a couple of clicks. In the case of using the Coinbase Wallet app, you can also connect to the marketplace scanning the QR code (which you'll find on the right side to the left side of the screen of your wallet).

A note of caution to Be wary if you receive an invitation to connect your wallet even though you didn't anticipate it, since fraudsters could try to get access to your money or NFTs. If you're using an authentic website and you're on a trusted site, you'll be safe (at minimum, as it's clear that there's nothing that isn't really in error Make sure to review the transactions to confirm that they're authentic). If a website that's not trusted requests to connect to your wallet, you ought to be cautious before deciding to accept.


After connecting your bank account, you'll land at the webpage you're using for creating an NFT (and even if you don't wind there, you'll be able to find it by pressing the Create button which both platforms place on the right side of your screen).

Before we begin creating our NFTs, let's talk about collections. Both platforms can support collections, which are basically exactly what they sound like. If you're looking to create a collection of NFTs it is possible to use collections to accomplish this On Rarible, you can create one from the NFT creation screen, and will be added to the NFT you create is added to. On OpenSea you'll need to visit your profile photo on the right side and then click on Your Collections to create your Collection.

We will not cover collections in this article, however OpenSea will automatically add the NFT you create in an unnamed collection in the event that you don't provide a name (you can modify the collection later or transfer the NFT to a different collection) Additionally, Rarible allows you to make an NFT as an Rarible Single, without having the need for a collection.

Now, let's begin our NFT.


After you click on the button to create, you'll get directed to the Create New Item page. To begin, click the box that has an image icon that will allow you to upload the image to sell it in the form of an NFT (though be sure you note the size of the file and restrictions that are listed over the selector).

Once you've uploaded the file, you can assign it a name or a title. You can utilize your External Link field to add an URL that points to such as your Twitter account or your website as well as description fields to provide potential buyers a more clear idea of what the NFT is.

Under those fields, you'll have the option of choosing an NFT collection when you've set it up and include levels, properties, or stats that basically serve as metadata. When you're selling an NFT that can be used as a character in a video game such as a video game character it's the place to enter their details. If you're selling an item of art, you can utilize the property panel in order to include specific information regarding it, like the year, medium and more. However, all of these fields are completely optional, and most buyers will likely choose to leave them out.

OpenSea allows you to add text that functions as unlockable content that the purchaser or owner of the NFT will be able view. It is possible to make use of this toggle-able field to include an invitation link to Discord, a private Discord or a coupon code that allows you to redeem something from another website or even an email thanking them for purchasing. It's also possible to utilize the sensitive and explicit content toggle when your NFT is NSFW by terms of.

Following those switches and fields are the dropdown menu that lets you choose the blockchain that you'll be minting your NFT on -- either the Ethereum chain as well as that of the Polygon one. The steps listed in the step 3 for more details on the advantages and disadvantages of both, but we'll pick Polygon in our example because it is currently not required to pay any costs. If you're minting using Polygon you'll also have the option of minting several copies of the NFT.

Once you've selected your preferred blockchain, it's best to make sure everything is checked. OpenSea allows you to change the metadata later on, provided you don't put it on the market for sale, however it's best to check that everything's in good order before you do anything related to blockchain. Be aware that you will not get to alter the blockchain that the NFT is currently on after the actual.

Once you're ready then you're able to hit the button to create. Based on the options that you've picked and the kind of file you're selling to sell as an NFT There could be a short waiting time as the upload process. When it's done the process, you'll be able to see a message showing the NFT was made.

But it's possible that your NFT isn't available for auction on OpenSea yet . To make that happen, you'll need to go through the screen of congratulations to go to your NFT's webpage (you can also access the page by right-clicking on your profile image and then click on the Created tab, and then choosing that NFT). On the page of your NFT there's an option to sell.

If you have NFTs for sale on Ethereum or Polygon You'll have the option of creating listings with an unfixed price. Also, on Ethereum you'll also have the option of creating an auction with a timed start. If you're looking to create a fixed-price listing, you'll need to put the amount you'd like to sell your item at (listed in Ethereum however, it will provide an approximate dollar value below) and select the length you'd like the listing to be up for.

Since the NFT will be available for buy as soon as you post it on your website and you are able to restrict it to a particular buyer by using"More options" in the "More choices" dropdown.

To post your NFT to sell, click to click the "Complete list" button. You'll need to verify the sale or sign several transactions using your wallet, either with either the extension to your browser, or application. On Polygon it's absolutely free. You'll also get the message that your item has been added to the list.