Instabase adds deep learning to understand unstructured data (Data Sense)

Instabase empowers enterprises to leverage unstructured data through advanced deep learning technology.

Instabase adds deep learning to understand unstructured data (Data Sense)

Whether you realize it or not, most businesses sit on top of a mountain of valuable untapped data. Deep in PDFs, customer emails and scanned documents, there is a report of business intelligence and insights that can guide important business decisions.

Instabase empowers enterprises to leverage unstructured data through advanced deep learning technology. Today, vendors of business automation platforms are unveiling a new set of  deep learning tools designed to make it easier for businesses to extract, analyze and leverage this unstructured data to create applications that  help them leverage it.

Instabase Founder and CEO Anant Bhardwaj said, “Unlocking the unstructured data, which accounts for 80% of all corporate data, is a very difficult challenge due to the volatility of the data. "Deep learning algorithms provide greater accuracy because they learn from  each training document and identify different attributes to make decisions like humans."

Instabase's new  deep learning capabilities provide low-code and no-code capabilities that enable Instabase customers to leverage sophisticated deep learning models and train, run and  use  these models to suit their business needs. Using a drag-and-drop visual development interface, Instabase customers can create custom workflows and business applications based on best-in-class deep learning models.

“These deep learning models have already been trained on very large  data sets, and as a result, fewer samples are needed to fine-tune the model for a particular use case,” explains Bhardwaj. “This means businesses can solve previously impossible use cases and create solutions faster  for  unstructured data use cases with unprecedented accuracy.”

Founded in 2015, Instabase uses technologies such as optical character recognition and natural language processing to extract and decrypt data that is  too often hidden in formats that can be difficult for machines to understand. Platform providers, whose customers include  financial services, healthcare and insurance companies, hope to connect to this unstructured data to help businesses automate more  business processes, inform key decisions and drive their own digital transformation.

Instabase hopes to perform this unstructured data analysis  faster and more efficiently by adding a new deep learning framework. Instabase customers can use the Machine Learning Studio platform to annotate data points in documents and run and train custom models for use by others in the organization. New features also include a model catalog that provides plug-and-play access to libraries of deep learning models created by Instabase and other vendors. The  new deep learning capabilities of the platform will be  available in early 2022.