Artificial Intelligence Advantages and Disadvantages- Essay UPSC

Artificial Intelligence Advantages and Disadvantages, artificial intelligence applications, artificial intelligence examples, Artificial intelligence essay.

Artificial Intelligence Advantages and Disadvantages- Essay UPSC

Artificial intelligence (AI), also called Industrial Revolution 4.0, has made great strides in scientific and technological innovation in various fields. It has the potential to significantly change the way civilian activities and military operations are conducted. However, there are also concerns about the  employment impact of AI and other ethical issues.

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

This is the branch of computer science that deals with the creation of computers or machines that are as intelligent as humans. It refers to a machine's ability  to perform human intelligence processes such as thinking, perception, learning, problem solving, and decision-making. So, in a nutshell, artificial intelligence is the intelligence displayed by machines. The term "artificial intelligence" was coined by John McCarthy  at the Dartmouth conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1956. The umbrella term AI has two subsets: machine learning and deep learning.

What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning?

Machine Learning: A subset of artificial intelligence that handles the creation of algorithms that can change themselves without human intervention by providing structured data to produce the desired result. Machine learning algorithms are designed to "learn" how to do something by understanding the tainted data, and then use it to generate additional results for large data sets. However, if the actual result is undesirable (error), it must be retrained with human intervention.

Deep Learning: Although algorithms are a subset of machine learning in which they are created and behave similarly to those in machine learning,  these algorithms have different levels and provide different interpretations of the data provided by each algorithm. These algorithmic networks are known as artificial neural networks because they mimic the functions of  human neural networks that exist in the brain. Deep learning networks do not require human intervention. This is because nested layers of neural networks ultimately pass data through layers of different concepts that learn from their mistakes. However, incorrect results can also occur if the data quality  is not sufficient.

What are some  examples of artificial intelligence technology?

Robotics and Automation: Robots can be programmed to perform large amounts of repetitive tasks typically performed by humans. Natural language processing (NLP) is the processing of human language by  computer programs. For example, a spam detector looks at the subject  and body of an email  to see if it is unsolicited. Pattern recognition is a subset of machine learning that focuses on identifying patterns in data. For example, a machine learning program can distinguish between a dog and a cat out of 1000 images of cats and dogs using pattern recognition of faces, whiskers, etc. Machine vision is the science that uses a camera to capture and analyze visual information to provide computer vision. Analog-to-digital conversion and digital signal processing. Although significantly compared to human vision, machine vision is not limited to biology and can also be programmed to see through walls.

What are the applications or benefits of artificial intelligence (AI)?

Autonomous Vehicles: The artificial intelligence algorithm is one of the key components of helping autonomous vehicles sense  their surroundings by receiving feeds from cameras installed around the vehicle and detecting objects such as roads, traffic signs, other cars and people.

Digital Assistant and Smart Speaker: Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant use artificial intelligence to translate spoken words into text and match text to specific commands. AI helps digital assistants recognize the nuances of  spoken language and synthesize human voices.

Translation: Translating text from one language to another has been a difficult task for computers for decades. But deep learning has revolutionized services like Google Translate. However, to be precise, there is still  a long way to go before artificial intelligence completes human language, but the progress so far is remarkable.

Face Recognition: Face recognition is one of the most popular artificial intelligence applications. You can use it to unlock your phone, pay by face, detect an intruder in your home, and more.

Medicine : And AI is widely used in medicine. Doctors use artificial machine intelligence to evaluate patients and  health risks. He introduces them to the side effects of various medications. Medical professionals are often trained on artificial surgical simulators. Because it can simulate brain function, it finds tremendous use in the detection and monitoring of neurological disorders. Robotics is often used to help people with mental disorders get out of depression and stay active. A popular application of artificial intelligence is radiosurgery. Radiosurgery is used to operate on tumors and is really helpful in surgery without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Agriculture: AI can be used to predict cultivation recommendations, pest management, and control of production resources. = Increased income and  stability of agricultural communities. Together with remote and local sensing data, image classification tools could revolutionize the use and efficiency of agricultural machinery, weed control, early disease detection, harvesting and grading.

Business Segment: Robotic automation is used to handle repetitive tasks and works faster, less labor, and tirelessly than humans. Additionally, machine learning algorithms are being integrated into analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms to provide better customer service. Chatbots are used by websites to provide instant customer service. Workplace automation has also become a topic of discussion in academia and among  IT consultants such as Gartner and Forrester.

Education sector: Artificial intelligence can provide more time for teachers by automating certain educational processes such as grading, grading, etc. In addition, he can work at his own pace, analyzing students and adapting to their needs. AI can change where and how students are taught and can even replace multiple teachers.

Financial sector: AI will be applied to personal finance applications and may collect personal data and provide financial advice. In fact,  software now trades more than people on Wall Street. Artificial intelligence in  smart card systems is used to detect financial fraud.

Legal: Automation enables faster resolution of unopened cases by minimizing the time spent analyzing cases.

Manufacturing: Robots have long been used in manufacturing, but more advanced exponential technologies such as AI-assisted additive manufacturing (3D printing) may emerge that could revolutionize the entire manufacturing supply chain ecosystem.

Intelligent Robots: Robots use sensors to perform human tasks to detect real-world data such as light, heat, temperature, motion, sound, shock and pressure. It also has an efficient processor, multiple sensors, and large memory for intelligent display. You can also learn from your mistakes, so you can adapt to your new environment.

Games: AI plays an important role in strategy games such as chess, poker, tic-tac-toe, and more. Problem.).

Cybersecurity: At the 20th Electronic Governance Conference in India, there was discussion that AI has the ability to enhance India's cybersecurity ecosystem  and that further research is needed.

Smart Cities and Infrastructure: Use AI  to monitor sponsorship and  control related systems such as sidewalk lighting, park maintenance and other operating conditions  to reduce costs and improve safety and accessibility.

Space Sector: Intelligent robots receive information and are sent for space exploration. Because they are  metal bodies, they are more resilient and can better handle spaces and hostile atmospheres. Because they are designed to be permanent, deformable or brittle in  hostile environments.

Mining sector: Artificial intelligence and  robotics can be used in mining and other fuel exploration processes. What's more, these sophisticated machines can be used to explore the ocean floor, pushing human limitations.

Defense sector : Artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools can constructively assist defense forces  in areas such as decision support, sensor data analysis, preventive maintenance, situational awareness, accurate data mining, security, and more. These tools help soldiers to: Better operation, maintenance and logistics support.