Sama Tea: Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Launch New Brands

Sama Tea: Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Launch  New Brands

Bringing a new product to market is a complex process. Every year, 30,000 new packaged consumer products are launched, 95% of which fail.

Not only do you need a fantastic idea and  USP, but you also have to make many other decisions in terms of design, production, marketing, logistics and many other processes. It must be implemented correctly to be successful. Many great ideas didn't turn out to be successful products because of mistakes made in their implementation!

But what if  artificial intelligence (AI) could be used to  make these important decisions? By using data and machine learning to inform every decision from product development to sales and marketing, we are less  left to chance or “intuition.”

This is the opinion of an influential couple, NYT bestselling author and personal trainer Jay Shetty and his wife, Ayurvedic chef Radha Devlukia Shetty, when they launched their new tea brand, Sama, this September. Meaning "totally balanced" in Sanskrit,

Sama  is marketed as a lifestyle drink for an audience of influential couples seeking an interest in the vegan and Ayurvedic lifestyle, self-development, mindfulness and well-being. Mixes have names like Awake and Energize, Protect and Support, Calm and Relax. And the accompanying illustrations and designs show serene images that capture scenes of being together and relaxing.

There is no simple, intuitive feeling that none of this is a coincidence or  that this would be the right way to reach your customer base. The pair worked closely with  branding experts AI to ensure that all decisions are based on data and, as far as possible, free from chance. We thought this was  the best way to get Sama into 5% of successful new product launches. Kim Perell, co-founder of, said, "They were very special to them, very authentic and had a vision that they felt was important to all brands."
“After that, we are using AI to  better understand these signals in the marketplace, this marketplace, social media, retail  and  where we can use the data to differentiate our products in terms of taste. , packaging ... Here was a really exciting opportunity for us. "

One of the things that made this challenge so exciting was the need to take a data-driven approach to creating a "true" product. It fits the vision and unique personality Jay and Radha wanted to create. ... For example, although couples may initially start thinking about taste, data analysis shows that audiences are more likely to be drawn to the "adaptable" properties of tea, which reduce stress and induce calmness, or clarity, or suggest other homeopathic benefits. Because of this, these effects have received more attention from packaging and marketing materials, and the perfume itself (and also data driven) has become less noticeable. Almost every other factor in the finished product, including price, can be achieved using's CLAIRE platform. Information was obtained from artificial intelligence analysis performed. As

AI affects more and more areas of business and daily life, we will see this methodology increasingly used  by both startups and inevitably established manufacturers of consumer packaged goods. Traditionally, these  decisions have been based on focus group session programs, after which products have been brought to market based entirely on  data obtained from a small sample of prospects.

Today, thanks to social media analytics and sentiment analysis, millions of additional data points can be automatically collected, analyzed, and then added to the mix. The potential here is that it will lead to a much higher "success" in relation to  successful new product launches. This is to hope that more products we really want to buy come to market at better prices through improved efficiency  and lower costs. Philip Smolen, Director of platform, went into more detail on the technology behind this process. He says: ...

This is an innovative approach that brings AI-powered analytics to the entire product development process. The challenges of creating and selling products for today's digital, primarily highly segmented audiences require a new approach to interacting with consumers. And the innovative strategy for  this doesn't end when the car is sold. Sama plans to host and host a live 'tea break' event that invites fans  to a virtual, discussion-driven tea party via Instagram or Facebook Live. Reinforce the image of the product as an "experience" that fits into the life of the customer.

Recently Devlukia Shetty spoke to me when discussing this. Saying it will solve your problem... it will be fun, but  hopefully it will help people really improve their lives. "