Agile Vs. DevOps: What’s the difference?

Agile Vs. DevOps: What’s the difference?

How do Agile and DevOps interrelate?

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development method that focuses on communication, integration, and collaboration among IT professionals to enable rapid product deployment.

DevOps is a culture that fosters collaboration between development and operations teams. This allows you to deploy your code to production faster and more automatically. This helps  speed up the delivery of applications and services. It can be defined as the link between development and IT.

What is Agile?

Agile methodology involves continuous iteration of development and testing throughout the SDLC process. This software development method emphasizes  iterative, incremental and evolutionary development.

Agile development  breaks the product into smaller pieces and combines them for final testing. It can be implemented in a number of ways: Melee, Kanban, Melee, XP, etc.

Agile Vs. DevOps

Stakeholders and communication chains in common IT processes.

Agile addresses gaps in Customer and Developer communications

DevOps addresses gaps in Developer and IT Operations communications


  • DevOps is a way to tie development and operations teams together, while Agile is an iterative approach that focuses on collaboration, customer feedback, and small, rapid releases.
  • DevOps focuses on continuous testing and delivery, while  Agile processes focus on continuous change.
  • DevOps requires a relatively  large team, but Agile requires a small team.
  • DevOps uses the left and right shift principle, whereas the  Agile principle uses the shift principle.
  • Agile's goal area  is software development, and DevOps' goal area  is to provide end-to-end business solutions and rapid delivery.
  • DevOps focuses more on operational and business readiness, while Agile focuses on functional and non-functional readiness.

Difference Between Agile and DevOps

Parameter Agile DevOps
What is it? Agile refers to an iterative approach which focuses on collaboration, customer feedback, and small, rapid releases. DevOps is considered a practice of bringing development and operations teams together.
Purpose Agile helps to manage complex projects. DevOps central concept is to manage end-to-end engineering processes.
Task Agile process focusses on constant changes. DevOps focuses on constant testing and delivery.
Implementation Agile method can be implemented within a range of tactical frameworks like a sprint, safe and scrum. The primary goal of DevOps is to focus on collaboration, so it doesn’t have any commonly accepted framework.
Team skill set Agile development emphasizes training all team members to have a wide variety of similar and equal skills. DevOps divides and spreads the skill set between the development and operation teams.
Team size Small Team is at the core of Agile. As smaller is the team, the fewer people on it, the faster they can move. Relatively larger team size as it involves all the stack holders.
Duration Agile development is managed in units of “sprints.” This time is much less than a month for each sprint. DevOps strives for deadlines and benchmarks with major releases. The ideal goal is to deliver code to production DAILY or every few hours.
Feedback Feedback is given by the customer. Feedback comes from the internal team.
Target Areas Software Development End-to-end business solution and fast delivery.
Shift-Left Principles Leverage shift-left Leverage both shifts left and right.
Emphasis Agile emphasizes on software development methodology for developing software. When the software is developed and released, the agile team will not care what happens to it. DevOps is all about taking software which is ready for release and deploying it in a reliable and secure manner.
Cross-functional Any team member should be able to do what’s required for the progress of the project. Also, when each team member can perform every job, it increases understanding and bonding between them. In DevOps, development teams and operational teams are separate. So, communication is quite complex.
Communication Scrum is most common methods of implementing Agile software development. Daily scrum meeting is carried out. DevOps communications involve specs and design documents. It’s essential for the operational team to fully understand the software release and its hardware/network implications for adequately running the deployment process.
Documentation Agile method is to give priority to the working system over complete documentation. It is ideal when you’re flexible and responsive. However, it can hurt when you’re trying to turn things over to another team for deployment. In the DevOps, process documentation is foremost because it will send the software to the operational team for deployment. Automation minimizes the impact of insufficient documentation. However, in the development of complex software, it’s difficult to transfer all the knowledge required.
Automation Agile doesn’t emphasize on automation. Though it helps. Automation is the primary goal of DevOps. It works on the principle to maximize efficiency when deploying software.
Goal It addresses the gap between customer need and development & testing teams. It addresses the gap between development + testing and Ops.
Focus It focuses on functional and non-function readiness. It focuses more on operational and business readiness.
Importance Developing software is inherent to Agile. Developing, testing and implementation all are equally important.
Speed vs. Risk Teams using Agile support rapid change, and a robust application structure. In the DevOps method, the teams must make sure that the changes which are made to the architecture never develop a risk to the entire project.
Quality Agile produces better applications suites with the desired requirements. It can easily adapt according to the changes made on time, during the project life. DevOps, along with automation and early bug removal, contributes to creating better quality. Developers need to follow Coding and Architectural best practices to maintain quality standards.
Tools used JIRA, Bugzilla, Kanboard are some popular Agile tools. Puppet, Chef, TeamCity OpenStack, AWS are popular DevOps tools.
Challenges The agile method needs teams to be more productive which is difficult to match every time. DevOps process needs to development, testing and production environments to streamline work.
Advantage Agile offers shorter development cycle and improved defect detection. DevOps supports Agile’s release cycle.