This website will let you torrent an entire blockchain’s worth of NFTs.

Australian Geoffrey Huntley, Australian Geoffrey Huntley has created a website that enables NFT torrenting for the entire blockchain, which could be one of the best works of art this year. It's called NFT Bay and is an almost exact replica of a well-known pirate site (bold link added to DMCA removal)

This website will let you torrent an entire blockchain’s worth of NFTs.

Australian Geoffrey Huntley, Australian Geoffrey Huntley has created a website that enables NFT torrenting for the entire blockchain, which could be one of the best works of art this year. It's called NFT Bay and is an almost exact replica of a well-known pirate site (bold link added to DMCA removal). This site appears to do what  the bank says, but as a statement it could generate an interesting discussion about what it means if you claim  something on the internet. Almost every link on the site (except  the one called Rick Roll)  eventually leads to a description page that looks like a real Pirate Cove home (which certainly according to my friend,  not me, as I've never pirated anything). Below is the  actual download link. Clicking on this link  will give you a torrent where you can download a file called "preview. On Ethereum and Solana blockchains. Overall, the download is less than 20TB. In other words, there are many image files to express lightly.

A response to Huntley's announcement tweet makes a familiar argument. NFT haters point to it as a triumph that proves NFTs are worthless, while cryptocurrency fans outspokenly respond that NFTs are worthless, trying to prove just how indifferent they are. It's not an image that gives value to the NFT, it's actually a proof of ownership. In other words, think of saving a JPEG to achieve the same result.

Huntley explains that part of his argument is that NFTs do not store their media on the blockchain, but very often link to versions stored on  potentially vulnerable web servers. He also provides a much more detailed account of the impact of NFT Bay in our FAQ on  GitHub and  an excellent interview with Motherboard.

The NFT Bay takes NFT-boosters at its word and pokes fun at the concept. “You want to claim  something,” he asks. "On the internet, that means someone is going to pirate it." And Huntley's message: "OMG WHO PUSHED ALL NFT RIGHT?" Take the  meme (shared by  supporters and critics alike) "You won't download JPEGs" and say "Bet on it".

However, an obvious question remains. Are all NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain actually included? Unfortunately, there is no answer. Trying to download a zip file that's almost 15 TB is so much data  that Comcast can wreak havoc. However, Huntley doesn't promise impossible here, as others have shown that  all NFTs are downloadable (in fact, the program must find all  tokens on the blockchain and use the included link to download the media). If someone finally finishes downloading  and finds out that not all JPEG files are included, will this affect my artistic expression? This is something you will probably  have to decide for yourself.

Unfortunately, it looks like you'll have to go through a download process to experience the collection. As far as I can tell, the NFT Bay search function  returns the same results no matter what you insert, despite the interesting checkboxes. We promise to  only view CryptoPunks or Bored Ape Yacht Club images.

I believe this happens when you rely on legacy centralized Web 2.0 technologies to deploy stolen NFTs. This is why I'm waiting for the web version of LimeWire to build my right-click bar.