How To Mine Solana on PC / Laptop
For bets, you may want to consider returning approximately 8% of the bets placed. You can look at our Solana bet profit calculator and play some numbers.

Solana Coin Mining Guide: Profitability, Rewards & Hardware
Can you mine Solana coins?
No, as proof of betting coins, Solana doesn't benefit, no matter how strong your hardware is or how deep you have it in your pocket.
However, Solana offers two key ways to help the network in exchange for rewards:
Staking , where you can bet the Solana you already have, using a validator and get rewards. Like paying bank interest on your deposit - instead of using your savings to finance debt and other investments - the Solana Network Validator will pay you an almost 8% reward for allowing your shares to bet on confirming network transactions.
Validation , where you run a very fast data center server that works to confirm Solana network transactions. As a validator, you can earn a commission on all the rewards generated by people who "put" their coins on you, although initial costs may be prohibited for most.
How profitable can it be? Do you have a calculator?
For bets, you may want to consider returning approximately 8% of the bets placed. You can look at our Solana bet profit calculator and play some numbers.
On the other hand, the validator is another task. You'll need a lot of Linux devops skills, access to an expensive server (almost $ 30,000 a year) and even an impressive supply of your own SOL (50,000 is good) than diamond hands, which themselves spend 100 seconds on SOL when voting. fees. if you increase the betting section of your own validator. Check out our article on how many validators can get more.
What kind of hardware do you need to be a validator?
The faster the better, but expect to need :
- A 12+ core CPU, ideally with a high clock speed (eg old Xeons may be too slow)
- 128GB RAM minimum
- 1TB NvME SSD or more
- Some also recommend a modern GPU
- 1 gbps unmetered connection
What's the difficulty like?
To be a Solana staker - easy! You can get started in as little as 3 clicks.
To be a validator .. lets be honest, the learning curve is pretty steep!
In that case.. can you recommend a Solana staking pool?
In the world of Solana Strike we call them 'Validators' and you can find our guide to choosing the best Solana Strike here. You can also browse our list of major validators and find some minor validators with a very good APY return. By deploying a small validator, you can help secure and decentralize the Solana network and also consistently shift the return of APY to large validators.
We also have our own small Solana validator with good hardware, low active deployment, high APY and located in a less crowded data center. If you decide to strike with us, you will not only get a good return on APY, but you will contribute to the decentralization of Solana and the long-term protection of your investment. And you can also help us create lots of tutorials and tools to help the ecosystem - win-win! I am
An alternative to a direct strike with a validator is to use the Solana strike pool, where your deposit is automatically split and split between multiple validators.